


雖然錄音帶壞了(當初發行是單曲). 在網路有MV可以看.

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***今年冬天特別的冷. -----------------------------------------------



這活動也促成美國歌壇發起 we are the world 活動

written by Sir Bob Geldof / 1984

Do They Know It's Christmas?

It's Christmas time

There's no need to be afraid

At Christmas time

We let in light and we banish shade

And in our world of plenty


We can spread a smile of joy

Throw your arms around the world

At Christmas time

But say a prayer


Pray for the other ones

At Christmas time it's hard

But when you're having fun


There's a world outside your window

And it's a world of dread and fear


Where the only water flowing is

The bitter sting of tears


And the Christmas bells that are ringing

Are clanging chimes of doom

 Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you.

And there won't be snow in
Africa this Christmas time.


The greatest gift they'll get this year is life

Where nothing ever grows

No rain or rivers flow

Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

Feed the world

Let them know it's Christmas time

Feed the world

Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

Here's to you


raise a glass for everyone

Here's to them

underneath that burning sun

Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

Chorus (Everyone)

Feed the world

Feed the world

Feed the world

Let them know it's Christmas time again

Feed the world

Let them know it's Christmas time again

Feed the world

Let them know it's Christmas time again



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